
Treeton Parish Council Policies. These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology.

Title Extension File size Download
Burial Ground Guidance and Regulations DOCX 163kB Download Burial Ground Guidance and Regulations
Civility & Respect Policy DOCX 35kB Download Civility & Respect Policy
Code of Conduct DOC 107kB Download Code of Conduct
Grants and Donations Policy DOC 133kB Download Grants and Donations Policy
Complaints Policy DOCX 29kB Download Complaints Policy
Emergency Plan DOCX 1.46MB Download Emergency Plan
Equalities and Diversity Policy DOCX 23kB Download Equalities and Diversity Policy
Financial Regulations DOCX 69kB Download Financial Regulations
Financial Risk Assessment & Management Policy DOCX 48kB Download Financial Risk Assessment & Management Policy
Information Commissioner’s Office model publication scheme DOCX 37kB Download Information Commissioner’s Office model publication scheme
Policy for Managing Memorials DOCX 30kB Download Policy for Managing Memorials
Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy DOCX 31kB Download Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy
Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy for staff, councillors, and role holders DOCX 32kB Download Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy for staff, councillors, and role holders
Records Management Policy DOCX 36kB Download Records Management Policy
Standing Orders DOCX 68kB Download Standing Orders
Social Media Policy DOC 56kB Download Social Media Policy
Terms of Reference Staffing Committee DOC 64kB Download Terms of Reference Staffing Committee
Biodiversity Policy DOC 57kB Download Biodiversity Policy
Grants & Donations policy DOC 133kB Download Grants & Donations policy