Approved Minutes of meetings 2022

January 2022

Minutes Of The Parish Council

Held In The Reading Room

 Monday 24 January 2022

Present - Councillor: T.W. Adair (Chairman)

Councillors: A.S. Badger (7.20pm), O.R. Baum-Dixon, V. Beckett, E.C. Levin

In attendance: J. James Clerk to the Council

2022/1 Apologies for Absence - Apologies were received from Cllrs Parker-Foers, R.J. Croxton, L.J. Pickford J Travis and Alexander Stafford MP (item 6)

2022/2 Public Question Time - 1 member of the public attended and enquiries were made over the boulders to prevent vehicle access to the footpath off Flatts Lane and an expression of interest in independent litter picking around home area.

2022/3 Declaration of Interests - There were no declarations of interest.

2022/4 Minutes of Previous Meetings - Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 13 December 2021 were taken as read, copies having been circulated to all members of the Parish Council previously and with the agenda.

Resolved: That the minutes are approved and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed: Councillor Dixon

Seconded: Councillor Beckett

2022/5 Matters Arising

2021/78 Land r/o Mill Lane – The Clerk reported that RMBC have sought views from the Parish Council on any wider interest they may wish to acquire in the land. Agreed that the Clerk would progress seeking a licence to regularise the letting of the allotment plots and Cllr Beckett explore the potential of any housing development should RMBC decide to sell the land and the feasibility should the Parish Council decide to seek to acquire the land, mindful of the costs and challenges it already presents to RMBC in maintenance and addressing damage caused by antisocial behaviour of letting the land for grazing.

2021/168 Staffing resources: Clearing & keeping tidy pavements/land more broadly in RMBC ownership – The Clerk reported that RMBC have confirmed the necessary permission to sever ivy and tidy around the trees in the gardens of elderly persons bungalows on Station Road opposite Church Lane and that they will collect the green waste this creates. It was agreed that Parish resources would be used to undertake this work.

2021/ 179 Litter bins – The Clerk reported that 4 litter bins have been replaced, it was agreed that Cllr parker-Foers be asked to confirm the locations.

2021/181 Community Payback scheme – The Clerk reported RMBC have advised that they are exploring options.

2021/202 - vii & xvii  Illegal Off roading - The Clerk reported that RMBC have now put boulders to prevent further vehicle access to the footpath off Flatts Lane and will ensure YWA properly address any damage once t heir works are completed. RMBC and SY Police have been engaged to address the wider issues of illegal off roading across the village.

2022/6 Discussion with Deputy Leader and Ward Councillors, RMBC Officers and Alexander Stafford MP regarding routine cleaning and maintenance in the village

Item postponed, the Clerk reported that she is trying to rearrange for the 21 February meeting.

2022/7 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence Received

The Clerk’s report previously circulated was noted. It detailed the following:

  1. RMBC - Updates on Covid-19 and related matters across the Borough.
  2.  RMBC - Planning applications and decisions across the Borough.
  3.  RMBC - Weekly traffic reports across the Borough.
  4.  RMBC - Licensing applications across the Borough
  5.  RMBC – News from your Neighbourhood.
  6.  RMBC - Town Centre news.
  7. RMBC – Press release on joint action between SY Police and all 4 South Yorkshire Councils to address off roading on green spaces
  8. RMBC - Proposals for school term and holiday dates 2023/24 academic year
  9. RMBC – RESAG Advice on holding large events in light of ‘Covid Plan B’
  10. SYPTE - Details of bus services changes and reductions as a result of the national driver shortage, bus services changes required to respond to a shortage of staff due to covid and suspension of industrial action.
  11. Alexander Stafford MP - updates
  12. YLCA - White Rose updates and Law and Governance Bulletin
  13. YLCA - Training courses, consent for direct emails and details of suggestions for celebrating HM The Queen’s Jubilee
  14. YLCA – Dates of South Yorkshire Branch meetings for 2022
  15. Resident – ongoing issues of off roading r/o Mill Lane and burnt-out car – reported to RMBC and SY. Police who have successfully impounded a vehicle and are undertaking further local investigations.
  16. Resident – fly tipping on track to Mason’s field – reported to RMBC
  17. Cllr Croxton – Dog fouling: reported to RMBC who have sprayed signage on pavements. Off roading: reported to Police and RMBC and both to be items for the next Newsletter. Shooting wildlife: reported to RMBC who are engaging the Police
  18. Cllr Parker-Foers – lack of road sweeping – Chased RMBC and roads were swept 13th and 14th January it was not a particularly good job and quality raised with RMBC
  19. Parish Team – broken pavement Bole Hill, mud on Wood Lane from Jones Homes estate and blocked gullies -reported to RMBC
  20. Resident – 4x4 and quad biking on Well Lane football ground – reported to RMBC
  21. Cllr Travis on behalf of resident - 4x4 and quad biking on Well Lane football ground – reported to RMBC and query over ownership of land – information provided.


  1. RMBC – Rotherham Round up
  2. Resident via Cllr Pickford – parked van causing obstruction on Treetown Crescent – reported to Police.

2021/8 Borough Councillors Report - Item not taken

2022/9 Use of secure email addresses - Cllr Baum-Dixon provided an update

To contract with for the provision of secure email services paid on an annual basis currently £308+vat and that Cllr Dixon would develop a data/email policy to give guidance on email protocol and direction on how emails are accessed, restrictions to printing, transfer and storage off the secure private server for consideration and adoption at the next meeting with the aim of a phased transfer commencing with Parish Councillor emails in March and the Clerk to transfer incrementally over the summer.

Proposed: Councillor Dixon

Seconded: Councillor Beckett

2022/10 Land r/o Wood Lane – decision on future interest

It was agreed to postpone a decision pending further information over ownership and in the interim to undertake a check of the garages with each tenant to ensure compliance with terms of tenancy in particular those applying to ‘building condition’. Cllr Parker-Foers has previously agreed to undertake this check with the Clerk, Cllr Adair agreed to accompany.

2022/11 Planning and Review of Progress on Projects through 2022 - a) Review of the Christmas activities: lights, nativity, Santa’s sleigh and initial thoughts for 2022

a) Review of the Christmas activities: lights, nativity, Santa’s sleigh and initial thoughts for 2022

The Christmas activities were generally considered to be well received and successful.

Cllr Badger joined the meeting

Agreed to:

b) Decision on Proposal for MUGA on Cowfield and c) Plans for sport/recreation and other facilities that might be funded by CIL/Reserves

  • Increase the number of Christmas trees to the 75 which held flower holsters and explore with the supplier if they lights could be permanently on rather than flickering
  • Explore a competition for the ‘best Christmas decorated home’ to be judged and presented in December alongside a festive drop in to try and give this more purpose and generate interest.
  • The estimated groundworks costs to install a MUGA on the Cowfield are prohibitive and that the Clerk should explore with RMBC any interest in working with the Parish Council to develop and install a MUGA on Well Lane field.

It was that the Cowfield has better use for football and field sports/recreation and that addressing drainage seeking potential grant funding may be a better way forward for that site.

c) Initiate a working group for HM The Queen’s Jubilee

Agreed to:

  • Encourage resident organised street parties and that the Parish Council would provide ‘party boxes’ of bunting, flags etc per street. Action Clerk
  • Explore a commemorative coin & pouch for all children in the primary school. Action Clerk/Cllr Dixon
  • Explore a competition with categories around baking. Action Cllr Levin to seek interest from the Miners Welfare in hosting the event and Cllr Beckett with the Treeton Women’s Group
  • Explore a commemorative tree by the mine wheel on Wood Lane. Action Clerk
  • Explore a ‘Beating of the Bounds’ walk of the Parish Boundary. Action Clerk/Cllr Beckett
  • Develop a detailed plan for any further tree planting. Action Cllr Pickford

The forward planner was noted.

2022/12 Standing Items

a) Reading Room

Housing and Parish Councillor surgeries - It was agreed to pause thoughts on moving to monthly themed surgeries

9 February Cllr Levin

23 February Cllr Parker-Foers

b) Allotments/Garage sites

The Clerk provided an update on ’notices to improve’.


  • That discussions take place with the tenant of the garage plot on Well Lane site about the tall conifer alongside considering the Parish Council’s responsibilities.
  • That notice to quit be given to the tenant of the unturned plot off Rother Crescent
  • That the previously issued notice to quit to the tenant of the unturned plot r/o Mill Lane is upheld.

Proposed: - Councillor Beckett

Seconded: - Councillor Levin

c) Burial Ground

Extension to the burial ground

The Clerk reported that she is still awaiting a response from Hickmott’s

Decision on funding reinstating memorials laid flat during the safety inspection

Resolved: That any reinstatement of memorials beyond that required to meet statutory health and safety requirements remains the responsibility of grave owners and that the Parish Council will not contribute to any costs.

Proposed: Councillor Levin

Seconded: Councillor Dixon

Request to place a commemorative bench

Resolved: That permission be granted for the bench and location as described subject to a condition that responsibility for maintenance sits with the family and that the Parish Council retain the right to remove/relocate for safety or operational reasons.

Proposed: Councillor Beckett

Seconded: Councillor Levin

d) Recreation Ground and Play areas

Well Lane refurbishments

The Clerk reported that the bench and swing have been delivered, the site of the bench agreed and that weather permitting installation should take place in the next two weeks. The paint has arrived with RMBC and will be stored in the Reading Room pending completion of the equipment refurbishment and the availability of community payback as a labour resource.


The Clerk reported that the 3year agreement with RMBC to cut the grass expires 31.03.2022

Resolved: To enter into a further 3year agreement with RMBC for cutting the Cowfield £1,221.55 +vat and to increase as previously annually by the consumer price index.

Proposed: Councillor Dixon

Seconded: Councillor Badger

e) Environment

The quote from RMBC to erect barriers to prevent access to land r/o Mill Lane in close proximity to homes was discussed.

Resolved: That the Parish Council will use CIL funding to contribute 50% of the cost to a maximum of £3,100 for the installation of knee rails and gates at 3 points of access.

Proposed: Councillor Beckett

Seconded: Councillor Badger

Resolved: To purchase sets of litter pickers and hoops for loan to interested residents for casual litter picking in their locality on the clear understanding that the Parish Council takes no part on organising or accepts any personal or public liability. That the offer would be advertised via Facebook and word of mouth and that collected waste should either be put inside a street waste bin or taken to the Community Centre for RMBC collection.

Proposed: Councillor Levin

Seconded: Councillor Dixon

Resolved: That the mine wheel recently returned to Wood Lane should remain painted black and that a decision on any signage should be paused pending the return of the original white stone sign.

Proposed: Councillor Badger

Seconded: Councillor Dixon

f) Planning Applications

The weekly lists of planning applications and planning decisions in the Borough were circulated by email to all Parish Councillors. There has been one planning application in Treeton at Old Flatts Farm for a porch extension and alterations to existing buildings to create a chapel of rest and waiting room for the animal crematorium. The Clerk advised that there is no reason that the Parish Council would express a corporate view on the development.

Planning approval has been granted for the work to the wall of the old burial ground at St Helen's, temporary approval to Nov 2023 for the advert for Jones Homes on the corner of Front Street and for the application by YWA for alterations at the sewerage processing plant on Long Lane.

The Clerk reported that there is no further information from RMBC on the developer’s intention to submit amendments to their application at the Old Enterprise site to develop the site of the MUGA into 4 flats. There is no timescale other than ‘soon’ and no further details on what the amendments might be but planning have advised they do intend to consult again.

2022/13 Suspension of Standing Orders

Resolved: That Standing Orders limiting the length of a Parish Council meeting to 2 hours be suspended to allow business to be completed.

Proposed: Councillor Badger

Seconded: Councillor Dixon

2022/14 Report from Representatives on External Bodies

a) RMBC/Parish Council’s Liaison Committee - Nothing to report.

b) YLCA Branch Representatives - Nothing to report.

c) Treeton Youth Club - The Chairman reported that the youth club continued to be well attended and that whilst the pause on cooking meals remains young people are engaged in preparing cold snacks

d) Community Centre and Playing Fields Memorial Committee - Nothing to report

2022/15 Community Centre - The Chairman reported that the centre remains busy with young people’s clubs, country and western evenings and bookings by the college and Borough Council.

2022/16 Chairman’s Review - The Chairman reported on the meeting with RMBC to site the bench in Well Lane play park and gave thanks the litter picking group for their continued efforts in the village.

2022/17 Finance and General Purposes

a) Budget Monitoring - The Clerk presented a monitoring statement of expenditure against budget and an up-to-date financial statement of the Parish Council’s affairs, these were noted.

The Chairman and Cllr Badger signed off the verification that bank balances reported in minutes, reconcile to those on statements and that transactions on bank statements match those recorded in the Rialtas accounting software and that they balance.

b) Approval of accounts for payment

The following accounts were approved for payment.


Cambridge Building Society interest Bank Transfer 73.81
Residents – garage rental BACS 175.00
Foers – memorial fee BACS 40.00
Clarksons - memorial fee Cheque 20.00
VAT refund claim BACS 1,112.73
Foers – Burial fee BACS 75.00


Staff Salaries, Pension & Expenses January BACS/DDebit 1,509.51
Opus Energy - Gas December 2021 Direct Debit 43.85
Opus Energy – Electricity December 2021 Direct Debit 38.81
SJD Sports Youth Club provision Nov & Dec Bank Transfer 1,406.16
Jane Haddrell – Youth Club & R. Room Clean Jan Bank Transfer 89.10
Fowler Sandford - Rent site of bus shelter Bank Transfer 0.60
Information Commissioner- DP Renewal Fee Direct Debit 35.00
Business Stream Water Sept – Dec Reading Room Bank Transfer 38.00
Business Stream Water Sept – Dec Burial Ground Bank Transfer 16.70
Cartridge People – Photocopier cartridge Direct Debit 59.90
A Flinders – Burial Ground Maintenance December Bank Transfer 266.66
Petty Cash – refreshments, batteries, paint and decorating materials Bank Transfer 56.69
Bliss Internet in lieu of advert in newsletter - 0.00

Proposed: Councillor Beckett

Seconded: Councillor Badger

Bank and Cash Book Reconciliation 31st December 2021

Balances at bank Current account 16,063.53
  Instant account 58,149.56
Cambridge Building Society   80,000.00
Nationwide Building Society   35,000.00
Total   189,213.09

2022/17 Any Other Urgent Business

There were no items of other business

2022/18 Date of the Next Meeting - The date of the next meeting was arranged for Mon 21 February 2022 at 6.30

The meeting closed at 9.00

Chairman: Date: