Approved Minutes of meetings 2022

February 2022

Minutes of the

Parish Council held in The Reading Room

on Monday 21 February 2022

Present:   Councillor: T.W. Adair (Chairman)

Councillors: A.S. Badger, O.R. Baum-Dixon, V. Beckett, R.J. Croxton, E.C. Levin, W. Parker-Foers, L.J. Pickford,

In attendance:   J. James Clerk to the Council, Amy Brookes Ward Councillor, Barry Connolly Head of Environmental Services, Andy Lee Head of Green Spaces, Community Police Representatives

2022/19 Apologies for Absence 

Apologies were received from Cllr J Travis and Alexander Stafford MP & Cllr Sarah Allen Deputy Leader (RMBC) (item 6)

2022/20 Public Question Time

4 members of the public attended:

  • Representations were made regarding the garage site rear of Wood Lane and a request to address weeds/brambles, knotweed and the build-up of rubbish, a response was given that this is ongoing work.
  • Concern was raised about the state of the footpath Well Lane to Catcliffe, advised that YWA will be reinstating the footpath once repairs to the sewer pipe have been completed
  • Thanks were given for the flower holsters and Christmas tree lights across the village.

2022/21 Declaration of Interests

Cllr Baum-Dixon declared an interest in item 13b

2022/22 Minutes of Previous Meetings

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 24 January 2022 were taken as read, copies having been circulated to all members of the Parish Council previously and with the agenda.

Resolved:      That the minutes are approved and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed:     Councillor Levin

Seconded:    Councillor Croxton

2022/23 Matters Arising

2021/179      Litter bins – Cllr Parker-Foers reported that bins had been replaced/relocated by RMBC as requested and that she is actioning the remaining outstanding issue with the bin on Woodside.

2021/202       Illegal Off roading - Well Lane vii & xvii        The Clerk reported that RMBC are exploring signage regarding off road 2022/7 - bikes etc to say the park is RMBC’s, and with Police about suitable 

xx & xxi   places to put Section 171 signs that may help as a deterrent alongside a flyer regarding the work of the Police Off Road Bike Intervention Team.  RMBC also have a quote for knee barriers and an access gate and are exploring funding options.

Cllr Brookes advised that funding may be a challenge for the barriers and it was agreed she would arrange for details of the quote, funding secured and funding options to be provided to the Parish Council and would explore if RMBC CIL funding was a potential resource.

Cllr Brookes was requested to provide details on how the RMBC CIL funding from the Jones Homes development had and was planned to be spent within Treeton.

Discussion with Deputy Leader & Ward Councillors, RMBC Officers and Alexander Stafford MP regarding routine cleaning and maintenance in the village

Barry Connolly updated the Parish Council on the work of Environmental Services in the village and reported on challenges faced by the service that had resulted in services not reaching Treeton as they should.

He explained his plans for additional manpower, equipment, enhanced cleaning teams and through building in resilience into the service alongside looking generally at the south zone to find more time efficient ways of working, this would improve the services into Treeton.  

He further explained that there would be opportunity for the Parish Council to influence the priorities for enhanced cleaning teams particularly in the winter.


  • Mr Connolly to provide a schedule of regular works across Treeton: mechanical sweeping, spraying, cutting grass & shrubs etc to set expectations of his service and share them with the Parish Council so they could quite clearly see what services they could expect, the frequency etc.
  • The Parish Council would monitor services and report back to any concerns, they would advise of any general concerns outside of the schedule of work through the year and provide a list of priority areas for enhanced cleaning/blitz days over the winter months.
  • Mr Connolly to provide contacts to escalate concerns where reports to RMBC via their online forms and to officers directly had not resulted in a response.
  • Prompt action by Mr Connolly to look at concerns on Long Lane: appauling littering, overgrown vegetation and trees, blocked gulleys. Cllr Brookes to explore including Long Lane in the programme for covert surveillance to address both fly tipping and antisocial parking.
  • Mr Connolly to explore availability of Community Payback resources

Andy Lee explained that his service covered the management of green spaces and had a commission role of his service to undertake work across green spaces.

Concerns were raised over the condition of the old burial ground exacerbated by significant subsidence. He explained the work that was taking place to address unsafe walls at the bottom of the burial ground and agreed that he would explore with Mr Connolly what help might be available to address the general poor condition of the cemetery following the removal of the self set holly trees by the Friends of St Helen.

It was also agreed that Mr Lee would arrange for the removal of the gathered ivy pile at the entrance to the cemetery.

Mr Lee agreed in principle to a joint project with the Parish Council to locate teenage recreation equipment on Well Lane playing field and directed the Clerk to contact the Neighbourhoods team to take this forward.

Mr Lee outlined plans for a wildflower meadow in Treeton, sites rear of Wood Lane, and rear of the Bole Hill bus turning circle were suggested as initial ideas. He also explained the lease and licensing arrangements possible for the land r/o Mill Lane that currently has a few historical tenanted allotment plots.

2022/25 Clerk’s Report & Correspondence Received

The Clerk’s report previously circulated was noted. It detailed the following:

  1. RMBC - Updates on Covid-19 and related matters across the Borough.
  2. RMBC - Planning applications and decisions across the Borough.
  3. RMBC - Weekly traffic reports across the Borough.
  4. RMBC - Licensing applications across the Borough including an application to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises at Pizza Express. Agreed no objection.
  5. RMBC – News from your Neighbourhood.
  6. RMBC - Town Centre news.
  7. RMBC – Events through February
  8. RMBC - invitation to attend a training session on the Code of Conduct and social media
  9. SYPTE - Encouraging the continued wearing of face coverings in transport interchanges and on public transport, details of engineering works that will affect tram train services, tram & bus fare price increases
  10. Alexander Stafford MP - Newsletter covering his street surgeries and a range of topical items
  11. YLCA - White Rose updates and Law & Governance Bulletin
  12. YLCA - programme and booking arrangements for March conference
  13. Resident – raising concerns over the licensing application at Pizza Express and that it will increase drink related fly tipping in that area.
  14. Resident – concern over r/o Wood Lane garage site: weeds, knotweed, unsightly, fence removed/replaced
  15. Cllr Travis – concrete spillage on Mill Lane
  16. Parish team state of the commemorative stone by the mine wheel on Wood Lane – contacted Jones Homes who will refurbish it.


  1. Residents – via Facebook concern over the angle of the mine wheel on Wood Lane – emailed Jones Homes & RMBC
  2. Resident via Cllr Beckett – Overhanging trees & blocked gulleys on Long Lane reported to RMBC
  3. Resident – r/o Wood Lane item on the agenda – information provided
  4. Alexander Stafford MP – Update on progress against his election promises.
  5. Banks Group – Seeking representation on the Penny Hill Wind Farm liaison and funding committees. Cllr Adair explained the role of this group, the gaps in representation and his own role as vice chair

Resolved:  That Cllr Adair continue to represent the Parish Council and that this group is included on the update from representatives of external bodies at future meetings

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Pickford

2021/26 Borough Councillors Report

Cllr Brookes updated on 3 consultations currently taking place: Electric Vehicles, the priorities for the Safer Rotherham Partnership for the next 3 years and Day Care for Adults with Learning Disabilities and agreed to provide links to the consultation to be shared and encourage responses.

She updated the Parish Council on additional resources into the Borough to improve services and requested details of locations where speeding and parking were an issue which could be included in the extended Road Safety Programme.

  • Speeding hotspots: High Hazels Road, Treeton Lane, Long Lane
  • Parking hotspots: Worrall Avenue, Treetown Crescent, Rother Crescent, Twentylands and pavement parking corner of Front Street and Treetown Crescent.

Cllr Brookes also advised that additional resources would be put into youth work, child criminal exploitation and ‘county lines’ and that school uniform grants were to be reintroduced.

She agreed to resurrect the plans from summer 2020 to address the condition of the war memorial by, in the first instance addressing the over grown vegetation across the rear and side of the memorial and the missing lead lettering as a ‘quick win’ prior to a more extensive project to refurbish the memorial and railings.

2022/27 Land r/o Mill Lane – decision on any Parish Council interest

Cllr Beckett confirmed she is content that the green belt zoning safeguards the land from potential development.

Resolved:      That the Parish Council’s interest should be limited to entering into a licensing arrangement with RMBC for the 4 existing historic allotment plots at a potential one-off fee for professional services of about £800

Proposed:     Councillor Beckett

Seconded:    Councillor Dixon

2022/28 Use of secure email addresses – agree Data/Email Policy & Implementation

Resolved:     To adopt the tabled Email Policy subject to the agreed amendments on conditions and terms of use point b, setting up and closing accounts point b and grammatical corrections to improve readability. The implementation to begin with training at the 28th March meeting and moving forward a transition to using the secure emails as the only method of email communication.

Proposed:     Councillor Dixon

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

2022/29 Land r/o Wood Lane – report from garage check & decision on future interest

The Clerk reported that she had received copies of leases from the Parish Council’s solicitors and they contradict RMBC’s assertion that this land is in lease to the Parish Council and that she has provided this to RMBC and is awaiting their response.

Cllrs Adair and Parker-Foers reported on the results of compliance with ‘condition element’ of the garage plot leases advising that all 3 of the older garages are not in useable condition as a garage or repairable to make them so and recommend the tenants be asked to remove them.

Resolved:      That the Clerk is instructed to work with the tenants of the 3 dilapidated garages to arrange their removal at the tenant’s expense and that work continues to tidy the site pending further information from RMBC over any lease arrangement.

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Pickford

2022/30 Planning & Review of Progress on Projects through 2022

a) Plans for sport/recreation and other facilities that might be funded by CIL/Reserve

i. Update on approach to RMBC re Well Lane

RMBC have confirmed their in-principal agreement to a joint project.

ii. Suggestion of addressing drainage on Cowfield

Resolved:  That Cllrs Adair, Pickford and Parker-Foers make contact with the Chair of Treeton Terriers JFC to explore how they and the Parish Council might work together to address drainage to make the field usable all year around including grant opportunities.

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Parker-Foers

Plans for HM The Queen’s Jubilee

i. Flower holsters etc

The Clerk reported that the holsters will be planted red, white & blue and to the extent those colours of plants can be sourced also in the wheels & tubs.

ii.Support for street parties 

Resolved:      To purchase 78 party packs to an estimated value of £1,250 for distribution across the village.

Proposed:     Councillor Dixon

Seconded:    Councillor Beckett

iii. Commemorative memento

Resolved:      To purchase commemorative bookmarks at an estimated cost of £220.00 for distribution to all children in Treeton CofE Primary School

Proposed:     Councillor Dixon

Seconded:    Councillor Beckett

iv. Beating the Bounds

Councillor Beckett updated on the plans to walk the Treeton boundary and will finalise details of the planned walk so that permission from private land owners can be sought

v. Baking Competition

Councillor Beckett updated on the plans for a baking competition and will finalise details of categories, rules and criteria, the arrangements for display in the Miners Welfare and the judging. She will provide details to Cllr Dixon to promote the competition through Facebook.

vi.Commemorative tree by Wood Lane mine wheel

The Clerk reported that Jones Homes have given approval for a specimen tree by the mine wheel, they ask to meet and agree the exact site and will assist by digging the hole. Agreed that Cllr Pickford would take this forward, obtain quotes for a suitable tree and agree the site with Jones Homes.

vii. Commemorative tree planting

Cllr Pickford put forward a proposal to plant several Sorbus trees on Douglas Edward Meteor Way by the commemorative stone and add a jubilee commemorative plaque on the seat. Agreed the Clerk will write to RMBC to request permission. It was agreed to pause the suggestion of planting willow whips on the Cowfield.

The forward planner was noted.

2022/31 Suspension of Standing Orders

Resolved:      That Standing Orders limiting the length of a Parish Council meeting to 2 hours be suspended to allow business to be completed.

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Parker-Foers

2022/32 Standing Items

Reading Room 

Resolved:      That the advice and quotes sourced by the Clerk & Cllrs Adair and Parker-Foers to deal with the broken boiler are accepted, the decision to replace rather than repair agreed and the urgent action taken using delegated powers to Clerk and Chair to order a new boiler at an estimated cost of £2,515 is confirmed.

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Beckett

Housing & Parish Councillor surgeries:

9 March      Councillor Pickford

23 March    Councillors Croxton and Parker-Foers


It was agreed that there is interest in reopening the Reading Room for lettings but that it needs further thought and that this will be revisited in April as previously planned

b. Allotments/Garage sites

The Clerk provided an update on the plots with notice to improve and where tenancies had been terminated

Resolved:  To accept the quote from Direct Tree Services of £1,550 to remove the conifers and intertwined ash tree that extend beyond the allotment boundary and the ash tree which impacts the suitability of the plot for use as a garage plot and as a goodwill gesture reduce the height of the four remaining tall conifers to hedge height leaving the removal of any tree roots as the responsibility of the garage plot tenant.

Proposed:  Councillor Pickford

Seconded: Councillor Badger

c. Burial Ground

Extension to the burial ground 

Resolved:   To accept the indicative quote of £750-£1,050 to be confirmed once the extent and value of the land is clear plus the Land Registration fee and instruct PRH Solicitors to act on behalf of the Parish Council and register the land.

Proposed:   Councillor Levin

Seconded:   Councillor Parker-Foers

Decorative memorial

Resolved:      That approval be given to the decorative kerbed memorial 

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Dixon

d. Recreation Ground and Play areas

Well Lane refurbishments – The Clerk reported that the seat and swing should be installed in the near future and Community Payback resources have been requested from RMBC for the painting work.

e. Environment

Restricting Access to Land r/o Mill Lane

The Clerk reported that RMBC have confirmed they will match the Parish Council’s 50% contribution for the gates and knee barriers and from within the current year’s budget and that their contractor will undertake installation before the end of March. Residents have been advised and their support sought in keeping the gate locked.


Litter picking equipment

The Clerk reported that equipment is now available in the Reading Room for collection by any resident wishing to support keeping the village clean and tidy by litter picking in their immediate locality.

f. Planning Applications

The weekly lists of planning applications and planning decisions in the Borough were circulated by email to all Parish Councillors.

There has been one planning application in Treeton for the erection of several extensions at 2 St Helen's Close

Planning approval has been granted at Old Flatts Farm for a porch extension and alterations to existing buildings to create a chapel of rest and waiting room for the animal crematorium.

The Clerk updated on the plans for the Old Enterprise site and that Cllr Brookes has advised that her understanding is that the developers were not prepared to withdraw the application and are trying to overcome the planners’ reservations. How likely they are of succeeding in this she couldn’t say at this point, however if they do then the scheme will come back to planning board for decision and Treeton Parish council will have their say and be able to make objections as before.

2022/33 Report from Representatives on External Bodies

a. RMBC/Parish Council’s Liaison Committee

Nothing to report.

b. YLCA Branch Representatives

Nothing to report.

c. Treeton Youth Club

The Chairman reported that the youth club remains popular and the current focus of activities is on arts and crafts 

Community Centre & Playing Fields Memorial Committee

The committee have not met however the Chairman updated on issues of unauthorised access to the cricket pitch to play football and storm damage to the cricket net.

2022/34 Community Centre

The Chairman reported that events are now being held at ‘pre-covid levels’ with a new ‘natural medicines clinic about to start sessions. An Easter fayre is planned as a fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital Helipad appeal.

2022/35 Chairman’s Review

The Chairman thanked RMBC’s Housing Champion and Community Police Officers for their attendance at Parish surgeries and the litter picking group for their continued work to keep the village litter free, it is much appreciated.

2022/36 Finance and General Purposes

a. Review of Health & Safety Policy 

Resolved:     To adopt the Health & Safety Policy unamended.

Proposed      Councillor Pickford

Seconded     Councillor Parker-Foers

b. Budget Monitoring 

The Clerk presented a monitoring statement of expenditure against budget and an up-to-date financial statement of the Parish Council’s affairs, these were noted.

c. Budget 2022/23

Resolved:      To approve the finalised budget for 2022/23

Proposed:     Councillor Dixon

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

d. Review of Earmarked Reserves

Resolved:      To accept the Clerk’s recommendations that the earmarked reserves be adjusted to reflect inflation and potential costs for capital items, cover for business continuity and the Parish Council’s current plans for developments in the village

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

e. Approval of accounts for payment

The following accounts were approved for payment.


Co-op Bank – credit balance on closure of credit card BACS 4.00
Newsletter Advert BACS 80.00
Foers – grave plot – help pending refund as pre-purchase is no longer permitted BACS 75.00


Staff Salaries, Pension & Expenses February 2022 BACS/DDebit 1,559.71
Opus Energy - Gas December 2022 (usage has not changed but fixed tariff has expired and unit price increased significantly) Direct Debit 139.73
Opus Energy – Electricity January 2022(usage has not changed but fixed tariff has expired and unit price increased significantly) Direct Debit 61.10
SJD Sports Youth Club provision Jan BACS 803.52
Jane Haddrell – Youth Club & R. Room Clean Feb BACS 89.10
Amazon – Litter pickers Direct Debit 59.82
Derbyshire Services – Litter picker hoops Direct Debit 65.94
Hobsons – Flower holster and Xmas trees BACS 9,792.00
Iris - Payroll software annual licence fee BACS 308.45
Iris usage based fee charged in error awaiting credit Direct Debit 8.51
C & H Alarms – Reading Room Alarm maintenance BACS 96.00
Homeglow – Call out to boiler BACS 78.00
DS Digital Print – copier service/repair BACS 72.00
A Flinders – Burial Ground Maintenance January BACS 266.66
Churches Fire – Fire extinguisher service incl 2 replacements BACS 233.88
Petty Cash – refreshments, batteries BACS 6.20
Bliss Internet in lieu of advert in newsletter - 00.00
Northern Garden Machinery Service: 2 Mowers, Strimmer, hedge trimmer BACS 554.97
Brailsfords Printers – March newsletter BACS 440.00

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

Bank and Cash Book Reconciliation 31 January 2022

Balances at bank   £
Current account   14,034.09
Instant account   58,149.56
Cambridge Building Society   80,000.00
Nationwide Building Society   35,000.00
Total   187,183.65

2022/37 Any Other Urgent Business

a)  March Newsletters 

These are ready and Cllrs requested to pick up their packs for delivery

b) Short term contract

Agreed Cllr Parker-Foers to develop a proposal for a 6-month summer contract to add capacity to the village team detailing hours and the specific pieces of work in mind for a decision at the next meeting

c) Parking Issues

Agreed that the Clerk will contact the Police and RMBC regarding parking on the pavement at the bottom of Front Street and on Treetown Crescent

2022/37 Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was arranged for Monday 28 March 2022 at 6.30.

The meeting closed at 9.45

Chairman:                                                                                                              Date: