Approved Minutes of meetings 2022

April 2022

Treeton Parish Council Minutes Of The Parish Council Held In The Reading Room On Monday 25th April 2022

Present:       Councillor: T.W. Adair (Chairman) 

Councillors: A.S. Badger (left 20.10) V. Beckett, R.J. Croxton, E.C. Levin, W. Parker-Foers, L.J. Pickford

In attendance: J. James Clerk to the Council

2022/55 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Baum-Dixon

The Clerk reported that Cllr Travis had tendered her resignation as Parish Councillor with effect from 25th April 2022 and that she will begin the process of advertising a casual vacancy.

2022/56 Public Question Time

5 members of the public attended. Concerns were raised over issues in the burial ground and in particular a memorial seat and planters. The residents concerned were reassured that the seat in question would be permitted to remain fastened to the ground and the matter of planters would form part of a proposed wider review of management of the burial ground and the views of residents would be welcomed.

2022/57 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest

2022/58 Minutes of Previous Meetings

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 28th March 2022 were taken as read, copies having been circulated to all members of the Parish Council previously and with the agenda.

Resolved:     That the minutes are approved and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Beckett

2022/59 Matters Arising

2022/24  Discussion with RMBC regarding routine cleaning & maintenance

The Clerk reported that she is still waiting for a response from Mr Connolly on RMBC’s commitments of works in Treeton and on any action to address the significant accumulation of litter and rubbish on Long Lane. Cllr Parker-Foers reported that there had been several further instances of fly-tipping on Long Lane. Action the Clerk to raise again with RMBC including a request for CCTV to catch the offenders.

2022/27  Site of Allotment plots r/o Mill Lane - The Clerk reported there has still been no response from RMBC in respect of licensing arrangements.

2022/46  Temporary Resources into the Village Team - Agreed to revisit in December

                           2022/48c Burial Ground: Seats & planters/decorations. Damage to Graves & Landscaping – item to be considered at a later date as part of a potential wider review of matters in the burial ground  

2022/60 Clerk’s Report & Correspondence Received

The Clerk’s report previously circulated was noted. It detailed the following:

  1. RMBC - Planning applications and decisions across the Borough.
  2. RMBC - Weekly traffic reports across the Borough.
  3. RMBC - Licensing applications across the Borough
  4. RMBC – Rothervale News
  5. RMBC - Town Centre news
  6. RMBC – Workshop on Community Flood Preparedness 28.4.22
  7. RMBC – Notice of Election for Mayor of S. Yorks Combined Mayoral Authority
  8. SY Police – Recruiting for Police Constables
  9. SYPTE – changes to East Midlands Stagecoach fares
  10. Alexander Stafford MP - Newsletters covering his street surgeries jobs fair, and a range of topical items
  11. Alexander Stafford MP – representation over the angle of the mine wheel on Wood Lane
  12. YLCA - White Rose updates
  13. YLCA - Training programme.
  14. YLCA - Nomination & election process for branch chair & vice of YLCA Executive Board
  15. YLCA - Climate Practitioners Update
  16. NALC - seeking agenda items for future meetings
  17. Resident – complaint over the Parish Council’s approach to addressing his concerns on the garage site r/o Wood Lane – responded copied to RMBC and confirmed the latter are satisfied with the action of the Parish Council.
  18. Resident – fly tipping – tyre Long Lane – reported to RMBC
  19. Resident – fly tipping – building rubble Long Lane – reported to RMBC
  20. Member of the Public – subsidence in burial ground – responded.
  21. Football Club – via Cllr Pickford request for Cowfield grass to be cut – prompted RMBC to fulfil their contract with the PC for grounds maintenance
  22. Cllr Beckett – concern about parking on pavements & grass verges – reported to the Police & RMBC. A hotspot on the corner of Front Street/Well Lane was identified. Action the Clerk to report to RMBC and PCllrs to PCSO at the fortnightly surgery.
  1. Friends of Ulley Country Park – Request for a grant towards Weekend of Discovery Event.

Resolved:     To decline the application for a grant

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Beckett

  1. Jones Homes – offer of £1000 in return for a 300mm sign ‘Jones Homes supports Treeton in Bloom’

Resolved:     To accept sponsorship and that the Clerk and Cllr Parker-Foers will liaise over signage to acknowledge their donation.

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Pickford

2022/61 Borough Councillors Report

Item not taken

2022/62 Presentation of Accounts for 2021/22: Approval of Annual Governance & Accountability Return & Annual Report

  1. Report of the Internal Auditor & Appointment of same for 2022/23

The report of the internal auditor was presented to the Parish Council

Resolved:     That the report be received and comments regarding the high level of reserves noted, further that Brian Smyth be appointed auditor for 22/23

Proposed:    Councillor Pickford

Seconded:   Councillor Levin

  1. The Annual Governance Statement of the Council for the year ended 31st March 2022

This was presented to the Parish Council for approval and signature.

Resolved:     That the Governance Statement is approved and signed by the Chairman.                        

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Beckett

  1. Accounting Statements as at 31.3.22

These were presented to the Parish Council for approval and signature

Resolved:     That the Statements are approved and signed by the Chairman.                        

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

  1. Annual Report 2021/22

This was presented to the Parish Council for approval and to form the report to the Annual Assembly and in the Parish Newsletter.

Resolved:     That the Annual Report is approved.                          

Proposed:     Councillor Croxton

Seconded:    Councillor Parker-Foers

2022/63 Wood Lane – update & decision regarding retaining a future interest.

The Clerk updated on discussions with RMBC regarding the lease issue, that RMBC have no plans for the site pending the conclusion of the Parish Council’s work to return the site to them. She reported on discussions with the tenant to remove the 2 remaining dilapidated garages and advised that the rubbish has been removed and weed treatment continues.

Mindful that the site is subject to restrictive covenants for use for garages and green space the Parish Council debated their current and future interests.

Resolved:     To advise RMBC that the Parish Council wish to retain and formalise their long-term interest in the site and that the Clerk is instructed to continue to work to remove the 2 dilapidated garages.

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Beckett

2022/64 Use of secure email addresses – Implementation

Item not taken

2022/65 Planning & Review of Progress on Projects through 2022

  1. Plans for sport/recreation and other facilities that might be funded by CIL/Reserves
  1. Update on approach to RMBC re Well Lane

Cllrs Adair and Pickford reported that discussions are ongoing with RMBC.

  1. Suggestion of addressing drainage on Cowfield

Cllrs Adair and Pickford reported that discussions are ongoing with the football club who have made approaches to Sport England for grant funding

  1. Plans for HM The Queen’s Jubilee
  1. Support for street parties

The Clerk reported that the flags and bunting were now in packs in the Reading Room and required publicity of the Parish Council’s offer and the arrangements for them to be collected.

Agreed that Cllr Levin will advertise via Facebook and that arrangements for collection from the Reading Room and the Community Centre will be agreed between Parish Councillors.

  1. Commemorative memento

The Clerk reported that these would be taken to the school to be distribute to the children during May.

  1. Beating the Bounds

Cllr Beckett reported that she had been unable to obtain a response from the landowner to allow access where the boundary crosses private land. It was agreed this proposal be withdrawn

Cllr Badger left the meeting 8.10pm

  1. Baking Competition

Cllr Beckett reported that this has been promoted on Facebook and that posters are now ready for display.

Resolved:     To award prizes to 1st and 2nd in each of 4 categories and that the Clerk is instructed to purchase commemorative glassware/china engraved with ‘Winner, Treeton Jubilee Bake Off  2022’.

Proposed:     Councillor Beckett

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

  1. Commemorative tree by Wood Lane mine wheel

It was agreed to paused pending RMBC’s response on repositioning the mine wheel to face as an entrance to the village.

  1. Commemorative tree planting

The Clerk reported that RMBC have given approval, agreed that Cllr Pickford meets with RMBC to agree the detail of the trees and site and to report back to the next meeting.  

The forward planner was noted.

2022/66 Standing Items

  1. Reading Room
  1. Housing & Parish Councillor surgeries:

4th May Cllrs Pickford & Parker-Foers              

18th May Cllrs Croxton & Pickford

  1. Opening for lettings:

Resolved:     That enquires for lettings are determined on an adhoc basis pending a wider discussion on potential refurbishment

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Parker- Foers

  1. Allotments/Garage sites

The Clerk updated on work to tidy a number of plots and address issues with a tree.

Resolved:     To accept that access prevents economical removal of all the rubbish off the allotment on Rother Crescent and to agree that the rear of the plot will be fenced off by the tenant and not subject to ‘cultivation’ conditions of tenancy. Further to accept the quote for £200 to remove the accessible part of the waste.

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

  • that Cllrs Pickford and Parker-Foers would undertake an allotment condition check and check of a weeping willow tree with Clerk, that she will send Notices of Improvement where they have concerns and to report back to the next meeting.
  1. Burial Ground

Extension to the burial ground

The Clerk reported that PRH solicitors have confirmed they cannot locate any deeds and have ask West Riding Archives to check their records as part of the process to register the land with the Land Registry.

  1. Recreation Ground and Play areas

Cllrs Adair & Pickford reported on the meeting with RMBC to look at painting the play equipment and advised that arrangements are being made for this to be a work trial project and that Cllr Pickford will be the Parish Council lead.

  1. Environment
  1. Suggestion for signage to and in the village

Agreed that the Clerk will seek RMBC approval to plant ‘Welcome to Treeton’ on the bank by Woodside and for planters on top of the barrier on the corner of Mill Lane.

  1. Planting

Resolved:     To purchase summer bedding plants for the mine wheel and tubs and place orders for winter bedding plants and to allocate up to £700 for spring bulbs for planting in the autumn

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Beckett

  1. War Memorial

Resolved:     To remove the now damaged and weathered wreaths from the war memorial and tidy the immediate area.

Proposed:     Councillor Parker-Foers

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

  1. Wayside seat on Woodside, Wood Lane

The Clerk reported that RMBC have after some considerable time now replaced the broken seat.

  1. Planning Applications

The weekly lists of planning applications and planning decisions in the Borough were circulated by email to all Parish Councillors.

There have been no applications or decisions In Treeton.

The Clerk reported that there has been no response from RMBC over concerns that the MUGA on the site of the Old Enterprise Centre has been demolished potentially in breach of a planning condition or that the orientation of the mine wheel on Wood Lane should face to welcome to the village.

2022/67 Suspension of Standing Orders

Resolved:     That Standing Orders limiting the length of a Parish Council meeting to 2 hours be suspended to allow business to be completed.

Proposed:     Councillor Pickford

Seconded:    Councillor Parker-Foers

2022/68 Report from Representatives on External Bodies

  1. RMBC/Parish Council’s Liaison Committee

Cllr Adair reported that he will be attending the Flood Awareness Event this week.

  1. YLCA Branch Representatives

Nothing to report

  1. Banks Group – Penny Hill Wind Farm

Cllr Adair reported that the next meeting will be in September.

  1. Treeton Youth Club

The Chairman reported that the youth club has re-opened following the Easter break and each session is attended by around 20 children

  1. Community Centre & Playing Fields Memorial Committee

Nothing to report

2022/69 Community Centre

The Chairman reported that the lunch clubs have restarted and are proving popular and that they were pleased to receive a commemorative plaque from the Mayor and Mayoress for their work in the community.

2022/70 Chairman’s Review

The Chairman commented that it was pleasing to see the village moving forward ‘post covid’, he acknowledged and thanked the litter pickers for their continued work and expressed concern at the amount of fly tipping on Long Lane.

2022/71 Finance and General Purposes

  1. Internal Control, Reconciliation & Accountability

The Chairman and Cllr Parker-Foers signed off the verification that transactions and bank balances reported in minutes, reconcile to those on bank statements and match those recorded in the Rialtas accounting software and that they balance.

  1. Approval of accounts for payment

The following accounts were approved for payment.

Receipts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                £

Freeman Dynes – Memorial Fee 



Nationwide Interest 21/22            



Co-operative Deposit Account interest 21/22              



Garage Tenancy - rent



RMBC – Precept – 1st Instalment of 2              






Staff Salaries, Pension & Expenses April 2022



Opus Energy - Gas April 2022

Direct Debit


Opus Energy – Electricity April 2022

Direct Debit


Jane Haddrell – Youth Club & R. Room Clean April



A Flinders – Burial Ground Maintenance March



RMBC – Commercial Waste Collection  



RMBC – Non Domestic Rates



SR Waste Removals – clearing Wood Lane (EMR)     



SLCC Membership Fee 22/23     



Petty Cash – refreshments, weed killer, loppers                    



Bliss Internet in lieu of advert in newsletter






Direct Tree Services (EMR)



B Smyth Internal Audit 20/21 & 21/22



Proposed:     Councillor Beckett

Seconded:    Councillor Levin

Bank & Cash Book Reconciliation 31st March  2022


Balances at bank: £
Current account   1,542.89
Instant account      48,149.56
Cambridge Building Society     80,000.00
Nationwide Building Society  35,000.00
Total 164,692.45     

2022/72 Any Other Urgent Business

  1. Cllr Beckett raised concerns over weeds growing around Bole Hill bus turning circle. Action The Clerk to contact RMBC.

2022/73 Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting which will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was arranged for Mon 30th May 2022 and follow the Annual Parish Assembly which will commence at 6.30pm

The meeting closed at 9.30pm

It was agreed Cllr Parker- Foers would report to an item on the agenda for May to consider restoration of the war memorial and its immediate surrounds and tidying of the green space around and beyond.

It was agreed Cllrs Parker-Foers, Pickford and Beckett would report to an item on the agenda for May to consider a set of guidelines to manage the burial ground and to explore a programme of repairs and maintenance.

Cllr Croxton raised concerns over the uneven pavement on Well Lane towards the junction with Front Street. Action The Clerk to report to RMBC

Chairman:                                                                              Date: