Approved Minutes of meetings 2022

March 2022

Minutes Of The Parish Council Held In The Reading Room On Monday 28th March 2022

Present: Councillor: T.W. Adair (Chairman)

Councillors: R.J. Croxton, L.J. Pickford.

In attendance: J. James Clerk to the Council

2022/38 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Parker-Foers & Cllr Levin

2022/39 Public Question Time

1 member of the public attended and raised concerns over fly tipping on the track off Well Lane before Flatts Lane. Action Clerk to report to RMBC

2022/40 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest

2022/41 Minutes of Previous Meetings

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 21st February 2022 were taken as read, copies having been circulated to all members of the Parish Council previously and with the agenda.

Resolved: That the minutes are approved and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed: Councillor Pickford

Seconded: Councillor Croxton

2022/42 Matters Arising

2021/202 Illegal Off roading - Well Lane

vii & xvii The Clerk reported RMBC are arranging for signage to say the land belongs to them and is for use as a playpark and the Police have put up Section 171 signs, both aimed as a deterrent to off roading. Further that RMBC are progressing the installation of knee barriers/gates off Well Lane towards Flatts Lane to prevent fly tipping and off roading and are looking at knee rails around the play park at Well Lane, initial costs are towards £20k which is currently unaffordable and so they are exploring other options.

2022/7 The Clerk reported that the RMBC element of CIL income from the

xx & xxi Jones development is held in the Strategic CIL pot for borough-wide infrastructure priorities. CIL unlike its predecessor S106 is not linked back to spending in the locality of the development. RMBC are in the process of a governance review to establish the process for prioritising schemes for strategic CIL funding and there will be scope to consider schemes in Treeton for Strategic CIL spend if they rank highly enough in terms of borough-wide priorities.

2022/24 Discussion with RMBC regarding routine cleaning & maintenance

The Clerk reported that Mr Connolly has advised that once he is happy with the schedules and approach taken mindful that works are often weather dependant, he will share some commitments of works and that he would welcome the Parish Council’s input into winter priorities.

Long Lane is to be assessed in terms of litter to see what action is needed however as there is no footpath traffic management will be needed at a cost to close the carriageway.

Community payback are committed until the end of the financial year and Mr Connolly is waiting to find out if they will be funded again. There are guidelines requiring them to be established in a location for minimum 5 weeks’ worth of work. Our request is lodged with them and he will update as more is known.

2022/27 Allotment plots r/o Mill Lane - The Clerk reported there has been no response as yet to the request for a licensing arrangement for these plots.

2022/29 Land r/o Wood Lane - The Clerk updated on discussions with RMBC regarding the lease issue, any potential future interest by the Parish Council and reported that she continues to work with the tenant to remove the 2 remaining dilapidated garages. In response to the representations made by the tenant of these 2 garages, the Parish Council confirmed their previous resolution 2022/29 requiring their removal particularly due to the presence of concrete asbestos.

The Clerk reported that weed treatment is underway and will continue and that a site visit by RMBC has taken place to look at the knotweed from which advice is that there is no current evidence of regrowth and that it is safe to remove the debris and quotes are being obtained for that work. RMBC will revisit in August to survey again for presence of knotweed and treatment will be arranged if necessary.

Removal of the fence midway across the site and the mini allotment were discussed.

Resolved: To note progress, offer to fund 50% of the cost of removal of both garages, accept the best value of the quotes to remove the debris including the fence.

Proposed Councillor Pickford

Seconded Councillor Croxton

2022/43 Clerk’s Report & Correspondence Received

The Clerk’s report previously circulated was noted. It detailed the following:

  1. RMBC - Updates on Covid-19 and related matters across the Borough.
  2. RMBC - Planning applications and decisions across the Borough.
  3. RMBC - Weekly traffic reports across the Borough.
  4. RMBC - Licensing applications across the Borough
  5. RMBC – Rothervale News
  6. RMBC - Town Centre news.
  7. RMBC – Events through March
  8. RMBC - link to the consultation on the Safer Rotherham Partnership Priorities
  9. RMBC – reminder about and link for the training session on the Code of Conduct and social media
  10. RMBC – Terms of Reference and minutes of Joint Working Group meetings
  11. SYPolice – Rotherham South Neighbourhood newsletter
  12. SYPTE – First bus fare price increases
  13. Alexander Stafford MP - Newsletter covering his street surgeries job fair, help for Ukraine and a range of topical items
  14. YLCA - White Rose updates and Law & Governance Bulletin
  15. YLCA – training programme, dates for branch meetings and booking arrangements for March conference
  16. Residents – ongoing complaints over the weeds r/o Wood Lane and disappointment with the PC’s responses. Advised that regular treatment of the weeds will take place.
  17. Resident – flooding around Windle Court – reported to RMBC and given resident reporting details
  18. Resident – mud on Wood Lane – reported to Jones Homes and RMBC
  19. Parish Team & several residents– damage in burial ground by Dignity contractor including to 2 graves – addressed with Dignity.
  20. Parish Team – damaged pavement by bus stop on Bole Hill- reported to RMBC
  21. Parish Team – sand bags left on Wood Lane – reported to RMBC
  22. Cllr Croxton – off roading and poaching – information passed to the Police


  1. RMBC – Notice of election of the Mayor for the S. Yorks Mayoral Combined Authority – arrangements made to post the notice
  2. Orgreave PC – Death of Councillor Mary Clears – condolences sent.
  3. RMBC – What’s on in April across the Borough
  4. YLCA – Government’s response to the Report on Ethical Standards
  5. RMBC - Slides from Code of Conduct and Social Media Training Session

2022/44 Borough Councillors Report

Item not taken

2022/45 Use of secure email addresses – Implementation

Item not taken

2022/46 Additional Temporary Resources into the Village Team

There was a lengthy discussion about timescales, the processes for recruitment, responsibilities as an employer, potential tasks, land ownership and obtaining permissions from RMBC and their role in undertaking work on the public realm.

It was agreed that Cllr Parker-Foers be asked to establish ownership of land for each piece of work and gain written approval and where RMBC is the owner to establish whether the task could be included in their winter schedule.

2022/47 Planning & Review of Progress on Projects through 2022

  1. Plans for sport/recreation and other facilities that might be funded by CIL/Reserves
  1. Update on approach to RMBC re Well LaneThe Clerk updated on her discussions with RMBC whose advice was that the first step is a full consultation across the village and that they were able to offer support. Agreed that Cllrs Adair and Pickford will form a working party to take this forward.
  2. Suggestion of addressing drainage on Cowfield

Cllrs Adair and Pickford reported that along with the Chairman of Treeton Terriers they are exploring grant funding from Banks Group and Sport England.

  1. Plans for HM The Queen’s Jubilee
  1. Support for street parties

The Clerk reported that the flags and bunting had been received and it was agreed nothing further was required

  1. Commemorative memento

The Clerk confirmed the bookmarks had been received, it was agreed that the school be asked to distribute them to the children during May.

  1. Beating the Bounds

Item not taken

  1. Baking Competition

Item not taken

  1. Commemorative tree by Wood Lane mine wheel

Agreed to pause pending RMBC’s response on repositioning the mine wheel to face as an entrance to the village.

  1. Commemorative tree planting

The Clerk reported that she is waiting for a response from RMBC’s Tree Engagement Officer

Lottery fund grant application – The Clerk reported that an application for a grant of £1,800 towards a spend of £2,500 on these activities had been successful.

The forward planner was noted.

2022/48 Standing Items

  1. Reading Room

Housing & Parish Councillor surgeries

6th April Councillor Pickford 20th April Councillor Croxton


Resolved: That the Clerk continue to seek Community Payback/Life Skills resources to paint the interior of the building and that Cllr Pickford should lead the project should the resources come to fruition.

Proposed: Councillor Pickford

Seconded: Councillor Croxton

  1. Allotments/Garage sites

The Clerk provided an update on tenancies.

In respect of longstanding waste at the back of a newly let plot off Rother Crescent it was that the Parish Council had responsibility to clear unsafe waste and that Cllr Pickford would discuss with the tenant and bring quotes for work back to the Parish Council

In respect of the tree impacting the side of the garage and concrete asbestos waste on the newly let garage plot r/o Well Lane

Resolved: To arrange for the tree to be removed and to contribute 50% towards the cost of removing the asbestos

Proposed: Councillor Pickford

Seconded: Councillor Croxton

In respect of the longstanding waste on the newly let plot r/o Mill Lane

Resolved: To a goodwill payment of £50 towards the cost of waste removal and 2 years free rent

Proposed: Councillor Pickford

Seconded: Councillor Croxton

  1. Burial Ground

Extension to the burial ground

The Clerk reported that she had instructed PRH solicitors on behalf of the Parish Council undertake the process of registration.

Damage to graves and landscaping

The Clerk update on recent issues, it was agreed that there must be no reoccurrence of any machine access over existing graves however accepted that ground conditions were difficult especially in winter and agreed Parish Councillors would visit to inform a further discussion on whether to restrict burials to certain areas to the summer months.

Seats and decorations in the Burial Ground

The Clerk reported on a concern raised that planting and decorations were impacting on a footpath, agreed that Parish Councillors would visit to inform a discussion at the next meeting.

Request to place a commemorative bench

Resolved: That permission be granted for the bench following interment at the location as described subject to a condition that the bench is not fastened to the ground, that responsibility for maintenance sits with the family and that the Parish Council retain the right to remove/relocate for safety or operational reasons.

Proposed: Councillor Pickford

Seconded: Councillor Croxton

  1. Recreation Ground and Play areas

Well Lane refurbishments – The Clerk reported that the seat and swing are now in place and that Community Payback resources/Life Skills have been requested from RMBC for the painting work. Cllrs Adair, Pickford and Parker-Foers confirmed their availability to attend a site meeting 2pm 19 April to discuss this further.

  1. Environment

Restricting Access to Land r/o Mill Lane

The Clerk reported that installation of knee rails and gates to address access for off roading have been completed although regrettably a resident’s vehicle had hit the gate causing damage and that RMBC will be recovering costs for its repair.

  1. Planning Applications

The weekly lists of planning applications and planning decisions in the Borough were previously circulated by email to all Parish Councillors.

In Treeton there is an application for lawful development for the use of an existing building as part of the dwelling and residential accommodation at 24 Bole Hill.

Planning permission has been granted for extensions at 2 St Helens Close

The Clerk reported that the application to develop the MUGA on the site of the Old Enterprise Centre has been withdrawn however that work has commenced to demolish it, she advised that she and Cllr Parker-Foers had made representations to planning to ensure the conditions of the planning consent that the MUGA remains for the sole use of residents is complied with.

The Clerk reported that the fence and shipping container on the land corner of Bole Hill & Spa Well Crescent has acquired consent by virtue of being there well over 10 years and that she has made representations to the planning enforcement officer regarding concerns that the site of the Old Mill House is being used for business purposes.

2022/49 Report from Representatives on External Bodies

  1. RMBC/Parish Council’s Liaison Committee

Nothing to report.

  1. YLCA Branch Representatives

Nothing to report

  1. Banks Group – Penny Hill Wind Farm

The Chairman reported that the next meeting is 21 September and that he had put forward an application for a grant towards the cost of addressing drainage issues on the Cowfield.

  1. Treeton Youth Club

The Chairman reported that the youth club continues to thrive and that they are pleased to have recommenced providing hot food.

  1. Community Centre & Playing Fields Memorial Committee

Nothing to report

2022/50 Community Centre

The Chairman reported that a range of new activities are now on offer at the centre including pre-diabetic clinics, fitness classes and a plant swap. The lunch club has now restarted and plans are well developed for an Easter Fayre.

He paid tribute and gave thanks to the Treeton community for their very generous donations towards the Ukraine appeal.

2022/51 Chairman’s Review

The Chairman thanked the litter pickers for their continued work and commented that the planting in the mine wheel and tubs and the spring bulbs flowering across the village were a very welcome sight. He thanked the Parish Team and Cllr Pickford and his volunteers for their efforts which were much appreciated.

He noted that the Housing Champion and Police Community Support Officers were now in the Reading Room alternate weeks and thanked them for their contributions which were beginning to have impact referencing in particular PCSO resolving some antisocial parking issues.

2022/52 Finance and General Purposes

  1. Budget Monitoring

The Clerk presented a monitoring statement of expenditure against budget and an up-to-date financial statement of the Parish Council’s affairs, these were noted.

  1. Approval of accounts for payment

The following accounts were approved for payment.

Receipts £

Foers – Burial Fees



J Rotherham – Memorial Fees






National Lottery Community Fund – grant for Jubilee



J Rotherham – Memorial Fees



Foers -Burial Fees




Staff Salaries, Pension & Expenses March 2022



HMRC Q4 Tax & NI



Opus Energy - Gas March 2022

Direct Debit


Opus Energy – Electricity March 2022

Direct Debit


SJD Sports Youth Club provision Feb



Jane Haddrell – Youth Club & R. Room Clean March



Homeglow – Replacement boiler



Homeglow – Hive boiler management system



Parker Rhodes Solicitors – Advance fee for legal services to register Burial Ground with Land Registry

World Pay


Cartridge People Printer ink

Direct Debit


Amazon – A5 Window envelopes

Direct Debit


Via Amazon – double sided sticky dots

Direct Debit


Via Amazon – Pagemark – P60 forms

Direct Debit


Via Amazon CD37– Union Jack bunting

Direct Debit


Via Amazon Party Décor– Jubilee bunting

Direct Debit


Via Amazon Party Décor– Jubilee bunting

Direct Debit


Via Amazon Party Décor– Union Jack/Jubilee bunting

Direct Debit


Via Amazon Party Décor– Union Jack/Jubilee bunting

Direct Debit


Via Amazon Party Décor– Union Jack flags

Direct Debit


Via Amazon Party Décor– Union Jack/Jubilee bunting

Direct Debit


Insignia – Bookmarks for Jubilee



A Flinders – Burial Ground Maintenance February



Dignity – Grave digging fees



R Willis – Rubbish removal from allotment plot



Fowler Sandford Ground Rent Well Lane



Fowler Sandford Ground rent Front Street



Direct Tree Services – Trees r/o Well Lane



Petty Cash – refreshments, batteries



Bliss Internet in lieu of advert in newsletter






RMBC – Half year rent Rother Crescent Allotments



Petty Cash – fuel, cleaning materials, refreshments



Dignity – Grave digging fees



YLCA Membership fee 22-23



Business Stream – Water Reading Room



Business Stream – Water Burial Ground



Proposed: Councillor Pickford

Seconded: Councillor Croxton

Bank & Cash Book Reconciliation 28th February 2022


Balances at bank:
 Current account 9,456.01
 Instant account  48,149.56
Cambridge Building Society 80,000.00
Nationwide Building Society 35,000.00
Total 172,605.57

2022/53 Any Other Urgent Business

  1. Pre-purchase of grave plots

The Clerk reported that she had received a representation asking that the Parish Council reconsider their decision to no longer allow pre-purchase and whether members were minded to include this on the next agenda for a decision. The request was declined.

The Clerk requested consideration to allow pre-purchase where a bereavement had already occurred to allow for the interment of ashes. Members confirmed they were content with the existing policy.

2022/54 Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was arranged for Monday 25th April 2022 at 6.30pm.

The meeting closed at 8.10pm